I Want to Be a Fairy Princess

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Matthew 6:21 NIV

I stood in line with my classmates on top of low activity table, wearing a paper gown and cereal-box cap, when I was asked the most important question of my life. I was five, and the world was filled with infinite possibilities. I’m sure I must have had the perfect answer to “what do you want to be when you grow up,” but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was.

Looking back, it was probably somewhere along the lines of what most kids say: a doctor, a fireman or a fairy princess. I can’t imagine many kids thinking, “I’m going to be 30-year-old wife and mother still trying to figure out who I am, and where I fit in this world”. But that is exactly what happened after I stepped off that stage in my paper gown and cardboard graduation cap. It took me just over twenty-five years, and a few missteps before I finally figured out what made me “tic”.

There is always truth in the word of Jesus, but for me, no truer words were spoken, than when he said that our heart can be found where our treasures lie.

Its impossible to predict the things in life that will become the most important to us when we are so young. When I graduated high school, I thought it would be teaching the deaf, driving a cool car and living in a big house. Today, my priorities look much different. My family is where the largest part of my heart lies, along with my passions for reading and writing and a love of animals.

My treasures no longer exist in the material. Instead, they reside in a realm that can not be destroyed or tarnished. They are stored in my heart and the Kingdom of heaven, through love, passion and purpose, just as God intended.

So now, when asked that most important question, “what do I want to be,” I give the most honest and complete answer: I want to be me.

Image by pixel2013 from Pixabay

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© JP Writes
Maira Gall