The Marijuana Trade Conference Spawns New Debate in Missouri

By Jamie Price, May 5, 2019

          Steps for producing legalized, medical marijuana in Missouri are already in full swing according to program director, Lyndall Fracker. On Tuesday, March 11, 2019, announcements were made at the Marijuana Trade Conference confirming the state’s plans. The Associated Press confirmed that the state estimates nearly two-hundred-thousand patients will participate in the program.

          Joseph Haslag, an economics professor at the University of Missouri, believes these figures are largely inflated. The Convention coverage reports that Haslag’s research of the market reveals that there will be as little as 26-thousand patients after a course of three years. A much smaller number than lobbyists originally estimated for the polls in November of 2018.

          The debate over the estimated supply and demand is a concern for Missourians. The state plans to institute 192 dispensaries, as well as manufacturing and cultivation facilities. The Kansas City Star explains that, “The state wants enough dispensaries to meet demand for medical users, while minimizing over production that could spill into the illegal market.”

         This debate could affect the number of business applications approved by the state later this year.

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